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Building bridges between the private sector and Indigenous businesses, communities, and associations.

Let’s build bridges to success, together.

Businesses today know that the future of our economy is being developed hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities. Developing mutually beneficial partnerships between the private sector and Indigenous community and businesses isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s good business.

Stephen Lindley Consulting Inc.

is an independent consulting firm established in 2018 with
more than 33 years of dedicated experience in building
partnerships and relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and businesses.

Our mission

Our mission is to facilitate sustainable project and
economic development by building strong relationships
between private sector businesses and Indigenous
businesses, communities, associations, and other entities.

With 33 years of experience successfully building bridges, we’ve learned the key is to bring together:


A deep knowledge and appreciation of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, culture and values;


Technical, scientific, and Indigenous Knowledge expertise for the project at hand;


The ability to listen and understand the views, opinions and objectives of all involved parties; and


Knowledge and understanding of corporate culture and the needs of shareholders and entrepreneurs.

We bring these elements together to successfully integrate project objectives with the objectives of local communities and government regulators. This work begins at the early planning stages of project development from project design and environmental assessment, through to construction and operation.

Our firm facilitates the inclusion of Indigenous people and businesses into your company and projects; develops your brand recognition within Indigenous communities, and ultimately builds bridges to success.


Our project experience spans a broad range of sectors including mining and metallurgy, nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, renewable energy, electricity transmission, roads and highways. We have worked with many Indigenous communities across Canada and on projects around the world.

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Partnership Agreements

Facilitate negotiation

Agreement drafting

Coordinate with legal experts

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Community engagement

Organize your message



Summary of issues and actions

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Technical review services

Environmental assessment documents

Environmental permitting documents

Impact and Benefit/Participation
Agreements, etc.

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EA project management

Build a team of experts

Budget and schedule preparation and management

Regulator interaction

Engagement planning

Document preparation

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Community and regional infrastructure planning

All-season roads

Electricity transmission

Renewable energy

Strategic plans

Facilitate feasibility studies

Coordinate a team of experts

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Community Land Use Planning

Build a team of experts

Community engagement

Coordinate Traditional

Knowledge collection and mapping

Preparation of planning documents

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Community preparedness for development projects

Develop community objectives and strategy

Maximize training, employment and procurement prior to negotiating a participation agreement

Community engagement

Engagement with project developers

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Indigenous inclusion

Prepare procurement strategies

Prepare training and employment strategies

Prepare bid documents

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Reconciliation strategies

Executive and staff cultural awareness training

Prepare corporate policy

Monitor policy compliance

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PAR compliance

Review corporate readiness

Establish goals and objectives

Prepare for and coordinate compliance audit

Recent Experience

  • Indigenous Relations and environmental assessment advisor to Hydro One and SNC-Lavalin on the Lake Superior Link Transmission Project.
  • Indigenous Relations and Environmental Assessment advisor to Webequie First Nation and SNC-Lavalin Inc. on the Webequie Supply Road Project.
  • Employment equity (Indigenous inclusion strategy) analyst/strategist, interviewer, and co-author of Environmental Systems Report (in collaboration with Indigenous Works):
    Business Development Canada
    Farm Credit Canada
  • Business partnership negotiator for Systemex/DCM with Taykwa Tagamou First Nation and their Coral Rapids Power Corporation.
  • Economic Development Strategy and Business Characterization for Greenstone Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with SNC-Lavalin Inc.
  • Lead – Community Construction Readiness for Municipality of Greenstone Economic Development and Greenstone Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with SNC-Lavalin Inc.

Let’s connect

Fill out the form below, or contact us directly at 416-659-4286.